Before I begin to comprain and put up some pictures of some ugly acts by youngsters nowadays, let's define STOMP.
verb: to have picture taken unknowingly and posted on an online server
e.g.: AHHH, don't fool around alr, later kena STOMP.
Oh wells, let me begin to bring in the unglamourous pictures.

Anyway here comes a scary one. I give it a NC16 rating. Please close this window immediately if you're below the age of 16 and come back a few years later.
*not only do I want to give credits to STOMP.SG, no offense to the ghost (if it's real. :S) I hope not (prays)*
I dozed off during the journey and when I woke up. DAHHHH, I was surprised to see a red weird shaped figure floating between the couple! (______ is in the air~) Weird heart shape in 190 bus: Real or fake?
Okay, here comes the finale. Anyway did you all realise the photogenic commuters didn't appear this time? They're too frightened and fainted. :D
And finally, the picture which I give the M18 rating. Again, if you haven't reached that ripe old age, please leave this site. However, I think most of you will just read on.
OMG OMG OMG?!?!?!?! ()*!#$)!@&^&%^()!@*&^#^$!@#^%!@*#&@!*(&#(&TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT WHAT THE!??!?!? Public display of affection! Raffles to Changi is comprable to Orchard to BP right? TSK TSK, youngsters nowadays arh. Doing intimate actions in public! In uniform somemore!
I couldn't take the couple anymore and alighted at the next stop (because I've reached my busstop). I hope the relevant authorities/school will take appropriate actions to stop this couple from annoying other commuters. I cannot believe that in Singapore....... (please refer to the other STOMP.SG posts for the standard complaints)
from yoyocoolman1990
*I hope this S12 STOMP doesn't get STOMP-ed on newspaper, and even deleting it after that will not solve the problem. What if the headlines "STOMP SO SUCCESSFUL, STUDENTS ARE NOW MIMICKING US" Hai~ But no choice, wanna complain then have to take the risk. D: *
Disclaimer: Please do not post this on Stomp.sg
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